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The Commercial Aspects of the Manchester Ship Canal : a lecture delivered at the Town Hall, Salford, on the 23rd February, 1891

by Mr. Marshall Stevens.


Escala varía

Manchester : Henry Blacklock & Co., Printers, Albert Square, 1891.

3 mapas + 1 f. (32 págs.) : ilustraciones, diagramas, croquis ; 58 x 59 cm., 50 x 96 cm. y 25 x 31 cm. plegado en 25 x 16 cm.

Folleto con sello en la portada: Recuerdo del Ing. Luis Luiggi. Año 1903. En la contraportada sello postal de Manchester y nota manuscrita: Chevalier Luigi Luiggi, Member of the Royal Society of Engineers. Genoa, Italy. Notas en el interior a lápiz en italiano.


  • Mapa impreso en tela: Manchester Ship Canal.
  • Incluye: Rough Plan Showing Distribution of Population Around Manchester; General Plan of Canal and District; Cross Section of Canal; The Relative Proportions of the Suez, Amsterdam, and Manchester Ship Canals; Fotografías de: Royal Exchance, Town Hall, Daniel Adamson Esq. J.P Chairman, E. Leader Williams Esq. Engineer.
  • Mapa color en papel: Manchester Ship Canal - General Plan of Canal and District - Revised 1890.
  • Incluye: Enlarged Plan of Manchester and Salford Docks. Scale 6 inches to 1 mile; Longitudinal Section from Eastham to Manchester. John Heywood, Litho.
  • Mapa plegado en folleto: The Manchester Ship Canal. Scale of miles. The Electrotype Co. London. Incluye: Details of Locks, Subsidiary Locks, Water and Quay Areas, Plant in Use, etc.
Registro 000192 · Modificado: 18/10/2019

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